Front End Web Developer

Become a Front-End Web Developer by completing a variety of projects for your portfolio - become an HTML, CSS and JavaScript pro!

Estimated Time

16 weeks
At 10 hours/week


Applications are closed Now

Age Requirements

Between 18 and 40 years old

Nanodegree Skills

• Flexbox
• Code debugging
• Responsive web design
• Ides
• Website layout

• Dom events
• Website performance optimization
• Dom manipulation
• JavaScript data structures
• The document object model
• Control flow in JavaScript
• The JavaScript call stack
• JavaScript syntax
• JavaScript variables

• Express web framework
• JavaScript package management
• Fetching data
• Application routing
• Local development
• Asynchronous JavaScript
• The document object model
• JavaScript promises

• Webpack
• Sass
• Website performance optimization
• Iifes
• Service workers

• Understand the Fundamentals of Digital Freelancing
• Learn how to Build a Professional Social Media Presence
• Craft Marketing Strategies to Set themselves Apart
• Strategize to create a Process to Source Clients for different freelancing projects
• Negotiate a Project Scope and a Pricing Framework
• Manage and complete end-to-end freelancing projects

• Basic web development
• Basic JavaScript

Who Can Apply?


Available to residents of Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Damietta, including both Egyptians and non-Egyptians.

Career Status

Recent graduates, job seekers, and young professionals.

Freelancing Focus

Applicants should have a genuine interest in freelancing.

Age Requirements

Between 18 and 40 years old

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